Friday, May 22, 2009

The Perfectly Executed Summersault

Wait, I didn't think PT was teaching me to tumble, but tumble I did...Remember a couple of posts back when the upside down hook your feet over thinger was my current hate? Well no medicine ball this time but crunches. By the by I learned it was really called the 'incline bench'! Well when we were done, I had something in the way and couldn't quite make a full sit up to grab the handle thingie that is supposed to help you up, so I got one leg untangled from the roller things, and and started sliding backwards. So I thought (first mistake) "Well I'll just be in the circus and do a perfect backwards somersault." Ok so fat ol' ladies shouldn't EVEN think that way! The perfectly executed somersault turned into a tumble off the side of the 'incline bench', ending up in tangled mess on the floor. I was laughing so hard as was PT. I gathered up my tangled mess and 'gracefully' got up from the floor. I tell you it is a good thing my face gets red when I exercise! Do you think anyone noticed how embarassed I was?

OH GOOD NEWS.. Lost 1 lb but the BEST!!!! I had to pull up my pants! (Ok figure that one out!)