Thursday, June 25, 2009

More $10 College Words

Dysplasia (isn't that something German shepherds get and have to be put down?), Acetabulum, Femoral head,acetabular labral tear,intervertebral, Dysplastic.

Lets talk about Dysplasia of the Hip, which is what I have. Checking Wikkepidea it gave me two choices one for Hip Dysplasia(canine) or Hip Dysplasia (human). Referring to the German shepherds, I don't want to be put down, soooo I believe I chose wisely. Human.

So Wikkepidea says:
Hip dysplasia, developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)[1] or congenital dysplasia of the hip (CDH)[2] is a congenital or acquired deformation or misalignment of the hip joint.

What Dr. Richard Jackson told me was that my hips didn't develop properly after I I was born. I told him about my broken leg at 2 months old and being in body casts he said that may have contributed but did not cause it.

The following is a quiz...What picture best depicts what my hip looks like.

Did you guess!? If you guessed C you would be right.

So what happens now. On August 3rd I get to have a hip resurfacing which is where they place a titanium and chrome piece in.

The doctor said I'll be back to normal within 3 weeks. Much to my PT's delight, she will be able to punish/push me even further.

Oh in case you were wondering....the MRI stated I have unremarkable Ovaries.

So much for least I know what it is now.