Friday, October 2, 2009


Oh no, not the ones you are thinking about. We are in the new building and although it is very nice there are a lot of BUGS...The kind that watch you, the kind that bother you, the kind that keep on niggling at you until you are ready to scream, which when you finally have had it, and call the person you KNOW can fix it, not the person that you should and are SUPPOSED to call, it gets fixed and then you could get in trouble because you didn't follow Protocol. Well sometimes things just NEED to get fixed.

So why is Protocol so important, when you KNOW who can do the job? Do they want you to do the job or only 1/2 the job.

Now the watching bug...
All I can say is I'm suprised there is not one in the bathroom, however it is just as bad because "they" can watch you go in and come out.

Oh I didn't mention the 'swiper bugs'.? These are the ones that you have to carry around with you. These paticular BUGS track your every movement, they work with the Watching BUGS. So if something happens to the Watching BUGS, the Swiper bugs will stay with you. Kinda Pesky these two.

May I say that Big Brother is alive and well and it is of course all for OUR saftey.