OK so the bursitis is only getting worse so back to the DR. He order a CT scan. Get to the CT scan they tell me I have to drink this stuff for a contrast. I know a lot about a little and didn't think the CT scan was the right kind of scan for my problem, plus a contrast dye is yucky! I talked with the tech. and he concurred. Off to the waiting room while he talked to the DR. So then it was off to the MRI waiting room for 2.5 hours. What else did I have to do?
Claustrophobia is an interesting subject. Scared of closed in places? Worried about being buried alive? Scared of going feet first in a tiny dark hole? YES YES AND YES! I was offered a sedative,(should have done it) he (cute tired looking Jared(MRI Tech))stayed late, so I could get the MRI done. He asked me how claustrophobic(should have taken the sedative)I was. and because he didn't know exactly when It would be my turn, he wasn't sure when to give the (should have taken the)sedative, I decided to be brave especially since I was going in feet first. But you know what, HE LIED!!! Yes young cute tired looking Jared LIED!! He told me my head was going to be almost at the edge so it shouldn't be too bad!
'OK Lie on this narrow bed have your legs straight, toes touching, and just to make sure they touch, we'll tape them together. Then we'll put the coils(screws)to you oh wait, on you. Last but not least, it's noisy so here are some cute little green earplugs. Oh and most people close their eyes.'
BUT not me, remember I was brave.
As the bed motored toward the grave uh.. hole uh.. tiny enclosed space, it started to get narrow and get dark.....I CLOSED my eyes, ok welded them shut, I'm not sure where the vice grips came from on my arms,oh yeah those appendages are my hands. I wonder if earplugs swell more with tears on them?
So what do you do when you are that "brave"! Sing a hymn elder! The only song that came to mind was
We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. The MRI machine it itself was a noisy bugger, but did have great rhythm, good beat, kinda monotone, not easy to dance to, I give it an eight. My vice grips sans hands started tapping with the rhythm which wasn't very good for the song that I chose, so I started thinking about the title for this blog. It turned out very appropriate don't you think?
Some of the images were for 2-3 min, some were for 5-200 minutes. When each picture taking session was over cute tired looking Jared would tell me I was doing great and to remember to hold still. At least that's what he did until....
After the first long session the MRI got very quiet and I waited for cute tired looking Jared to tell me how great I was doing. My leg was HURTING and I asked him if I could move my leg for a minute. NOTHING..... In a flash I wondered if I could pull myself out. hello???? the MRI was silent..
HEllo??? The tiny enclosed space was still silent. The vice grips are loosening and reaching up towards my head, no wait, I
can be brave....
HELLO!!!!!!! the grave is closing in. My heart is racing! then I hear the click, Ruth are you ok. "I'm just a little panicked!" "It's ok I'm still here, just looking a something. Just a couple more 5 minute ones and then we'll be done" said my grave digger, cute tired looking Jared.
I should have taken the sedative!