We had the opportunity to Cook for the Stake Girls Camp Friday Night Dinner held at the Heber Camp Site. This is the night when all the Stake People are there, plus the girls and leaders. About 350 in all. We did Dutch oven Potatoes from scratch, Dutch Oven Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce and 22 pans of Cobbler, using 10 dutch ovens, 2 bags of charcoal, 44 cans of pie filling, 22 cans of sprite 24 cake mixes, 8 lbs of bacon, 16 bags of chicken breasts (24 per bag, cut in 1/2) 3 Giant size tubs of sour cream, 30 cans of cream of mushroom soup, 8 cloves of garlic, 6 bags of Yukon gold red skinned potato's. And an 88 dollar easy up. These are the facts.
Earlier that morning, I had said a morning prayer that all would go well and we wouldn't have any mechanical problems. About 30 min. before we were to leave Michael noticed a nail in the Suburban Tire. With all the dutch ovens etc. loaded the Suburban was pretty heavy, and if we would have gotten a flat tire, we wouldn't have made it in time to cook. So off to Johnson Tire to get it fixed.
We finally made it to Heber Camp about 1 hour later that we wanted to. We were checking in and the Elderly Elder looked in the back and said "Whatcha got in there 1 girl and two boys?" We though that was kinda odd especially when he said he couldn't let us in because we had boys! I thought he was just joking. But turns out he was VERY serious. He made us follow him to the Admin. Building where we needed to get a hold of the Head Elder. When the Head Elder couldn't be reached on the radio, Elderly Elder kept saying he couldn't allow us in because of the BOYS. We tried to explain that they were our children and our work force and if they weren't allowed in we wouldn't be able to cook. I even whispered to him " So You Want to See my Temple Recommend?" He didn't think that was to funny, "That ain't got nothin to do with it!" I assured him I was kidding! still no smile. Then I noticed a sign they had on the front desk, a quote from Pres. Spencer W. Kimble, stating in Big Bold Letters "EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT". I pointed that out. Again nothing!.. Elderly Elder made a decision to take us up to the camp host and let her make the decision. We followed him and he parked his truck to block the road. Long story short...The camp host made an executive decision, using common sense, and decided the BOYS were not going to ravish the girls and allowed us to cook. Of course we had to promise they would stay in our site!
Want to know the best 88 dollar investment? An easy up-We got the easy up set up and 10 min later it poured! It didn't stop raining until we were done serving!.
Oh by the by, If you ever use the ovens at the Hinkley site, they take 2-3 hours..yes hours to heat up to 350 deg.
I don't know if I can accuratly describe the noise 300 + girls make, but I sure understand why Heavenly Father is bringing more girls into the world. He would like a little peace and quiet! LOL
All in all it was a good experience. BUT....