A week ago it snowed, and it snowed this morning...I love seeing the pink blossoms of the trees peeking through the snow. It makes me wish my hand could paint or draw or photograph what I see..somehow to portray the feelings these beautiful works of God invoke in me.
When my daffodils finally started warming up to peek their little heads out, it was with a lot of trepidation, like they knew of the coming snow. But they kept at it, and at times did a group hug to stay warm, braving the snow that bowed their little heads, almost to the ground at times, then lifting their heads to the sun and following it all day long. I love my daffodils....It makes the winter worth it.
I know you can see this analogy coming...
My kids are like the daffodils...
Charlie-Marie is bowed by the snow at this point...being 18 a senior and 3 weeks of school left is excruciating...Trying to shake the snow off but having to wait for the sun or wind to come along and help...but still lifting her head to find the sunshine and get things moving.
Ryan is following the sun, finding his way, initiating the group hugs and becoming quite the man....He is a very spiritial man.
Michael is doing all the shaking and moving.....Enjoy the Michael that IS.
I can't wait to see how each of my children blossom!