We took Mom to Dad's grave and then visited Randy's grave. My Iris (yellow and purple) were blooming and the Peonies were about to bloom. The bouquet was quite pretty and looked really nice on the grave sites.
Mom had knee surgery and is doing good with that knee, but her other knee is bothering her and also her heels. Charlie-Marie and I had to hold both arms and she leaned heavy on us to make it back to the car. She was looking at the front of the headstone and said in surprise "oh look they even put my name on it." I reminded her that she had them do it when daddy died. Then she remembered.
Mom was pretty shaky and a little emotional. Michael my tender heart was very emotional,When we went to Randy's grave, he didn't want to go because he would cry, and stayed in the car with Grandma. Ryan, as always was reverent, being so careful where to step.
When we got to Randy's grave they haven't been able to get the headstone yet, but we were pretty sure where he was buried. We located the outline of the cut grass and were able to place the flowers there. It was a tough moment for Clint, loosing his brother so recently. Charlie-Marie and Ryan immediately went to hug and console their dad. It really touched my heart. I remember Clint giving the dedicatory prayer and the spirit that was with him.
Some people may think me irreverent of the dead, but I truly believe that the body is just there, what makes them them, is their spirit. Having been blessed to feel the spirit of the 'dearly departed'(which I call them because that is what they are, dear and not with us for the moment)makes me know there is life beyond the mortal body. When Sister Herring(Charlie-Marie's piano teacher) and her husband died, Charlie was playing the piano and we both felt Sister Herring in our living room, telling us all was well and keep playing the piano. When Grandma Chapman died, we were standing in the cemetery around the casket. It was very clear and very cold. I felt a warmth encircle us. I knew it was Grandma giving us one last hug.
Michael and I went up to the cabin last year and were the only ones there for the night. As we were sitting on the front porch Dad visited us. Michael came and sat on my lap and both of us were crying. Dad was almost tangible.